How Many
Item Name and Discription
Price Each
Name Train Puzzle
Alphabet Train Puzzle
Magnetic Learning Board
Alphabet Art Puzzle
USA Map Puzzle
Alphabet Train Peg
Animals in the Barn Puzzle
Nine Block Name Board Include spelling of name
Six Block Name Board Include spelling of name
Residence Add 7% Sales Tax
All Prices
Shown are
US Dollars
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Mail Order Directly to:
Mendocino Village Toy Store
PO Box 470, Mendocino, California 95460
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We suggest that you include a day time phone number in the event that a question arises.
Please allow 7 to 10 days for shipping
We want you to know that any information you send to us, stays with us. We do not share your supplied information with any individuals and/or businesses. You can be assured that if you provide information to Village Toy Store no individual data will be passed on to any third-party. Village Toy Store will divulge information only as necessary to comply with state and federal laws.